Russian Society
Population: 146, 781, 095 (2019)
Population Density: 8,57 people per square km
Fertility Rate: 13 birth per, 1000 people
Life Expectancy: 71,39 years (Male — 65,92 years, Female — 76,71 years) (2016)
The urban population of Russia is more than the rural population. According to 2019 data, the urban population is 109 454 168 people and the rural is 37 326 927 people.
On the territory of the European part of Russia live almost 70% of the country’s population. The population density of European part of Russia is 27 people per square km. and in the Asian part of Russia is 3 people per square km.
Russian society is still changing. There are several reasons for this. First, with the collapse of the USSR, Russian society shifted a different model of social development. Secondly, the development of Russian society is not isolated, and globalization has a special impact.
Russia is a multinational state. There are 193 nationalities live in peace, friendship and harmony in Russia. Due to this fact, Russians have great respect for the cultures of other peoples.
7 peoples in Russia have a population of over 1 million people: Russians (over 100 million people), Tatars (5 million people), Ukrainians (over 2 million people), Bashkirians (1.5 million people), Chuvashes (over 1,5 million people), Chechens (over 1 million people) and Armenians (over 1 million people).
Healthcare. There are 3 healthcare systems in Russia, which are legislated and functioning: State, Municipal and Private.
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation belongs to the state health care system.
According to 2019 data, 653 billion rubles (3.6% of the Russian budget) will be distributed for the development of the healthcare system in Russia. The average life expectancy in 2018 was 72.7 years. Over the past 10 years, this figure has increased by 5 points. More than 90% of Russian citizens have access to clean drinking water.
There is a wide network of medical institutions in Russia, which provide qualified medical care. The hospitals have consulting rooms, laboratories, x-ray, physiotherapy, surgery and dental departments.
Medical care in Russia is provided by the Emergency medical service. It is available 24 hours a day and is free of charge. Ambulances are well equipped. Modern medical equipment allows the doctor to carry out the emergency surgical and therapeutic treatment.
There are more than 100 resorts in Russia. Caucasus resorts like Sochi, Pyatigorsk, Novorossiysk, etc. are one of the most popular in Russia.
Media: Major news agencies are Russian News Agency TASS, RIA Novosti, International News Agency ‘Rossiya Segodnya’.
Newspapers: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Argumenty i facty, Vedomosti, Izvestiya
Television: Channel One Russia (audience – 250 million people); Russia-1 (audience – over 50 million people)
Radio: Radio Rossii, Radio Mayak. Also, there are many entertaining and music radio stations (Europa Plus, Russian Radio)
Country code: +7;
Internet domain ‘.ru/.рф’.
Mobile signal coverage is almost without limit.
Internet speed is pretty high. More than 90 million Russians have Internet access (73% of Russian population) elder than 12 years-old (2018)
Public Holidays: Winter holidays (1-6 and 8 January), Orthodox Christmas (7 January), the Fatherland Defender’s Day (23 February), International Women’s Day (8 March); the Spring and Labor Holiday (1 May), Victory Day (9 May), Russia Day (12 июня), Unity Day (4 November

My Favorite White Deer. Photo by Sergey Anisimov

Kuznetskaya Street; Photo by AKuptsova

Young Villager; Photo by Natalya Kovaleva