International project
In 2020, we will learn more about
Nikolay Miklouho-Maclay, an outstanding Russian scientist and traveler, and
Alexander Pushkin, the founder of the modern Russian literary language.
We provide support for the online conferences within the International project «The Beacon of Russia’s Achievements» and invite you to participate in the conferences in 2021!
We recommend you to watch these interesting videos. They will help you learn more about the lives and works of the great Russian scientists and cultural figures.
The project implemented by the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation for the Preservation of Ethnocultural Heritage in association with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
Universities in Russia
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia is one on the oldest Russian universities. It was founded in 1797. Herzen University is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg – the cultural capital of Russian Federation.
Today Herzen University consists of 23 faculties and educational institutes. More than 18000 students study on bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programs. Among them over 15% — international students.
Herzen University is:
— Campus in the heart of the historical center of St. Petersburg
— Traditions of the classical university and the higher school of pedagogy
— The breadth of choice of areas of training
— High quality education
— Experienced and qualified academic staff
— Unique scientific equipment for research
— Possibility of creative growth
— Active student life
Address: 48 Moika Embankment, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia
E-mail: international@herzen.edu.ru
Website: www.en.hspu.org
Herzen University is the education of the future! Welcome to Herzen University!

Kazan Federal University
Kazan Federal University is a community of smart and welcoming people who love their alma mater, cherish its traditions and are eager to help you explore what it means to be a KFU student. We seek promising students who will contribute to our community during their college years and to society throughout their lives. While academic accomplishment is important, the Admission Unit takes into account many other factors—strong personal qualities, special talents or excellence of all kinds, and the ability to take advantage of available resources and opportunities.
Kazan Federal University today:
— 50000 students study in the university;
— 11168 international students;
— 350+ international partners;
— 10 subject areas in QS subject rankings;
— 7 areas in Times Higher Education rankings;
— 26 comfortable dormitories.
Address: 18 Kremlyovskaya str. Kazan, 420008, Russia
E-mail: admission@kpfu.ru
Website: https://kpfu.ru/eng

Siberian Federal University
Siberian Federal University (SibFU) was founded in 2006 in order to train highly qualified specialists and to develop innovative technologies for production facilities located in the harsh conditions of the north. Today, SibFU is the largest university beyond the Urals.
SibFU is rightfully called the fastest growing university of the Russian Federation. During its existence, the university has made significant progress in Russian and international ratings. The university is in the TOP-15 of the national rating of universities and ranks sixth according to employer feedback (in terms of the demand for graduates).
Siberian Federal University today:
— one of the 1000 best universities according to the QS World University Ranking;
— 27 912 students;
— 939 international students;
— 22 faculties;
— 224 main educational programmes for prospective international students;
— 82 research laboratories, including 2 international science and research laboratories.
Address: 79 Svobodny pr., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia
E-mail: admission@sfu-kras.ru
Website: http://welcome.sfu-kras.ru

Sechenov University
Sechenov University is the top medical school in Russia tracing its history from the medical faculty of Imperial Moscow University founded in 1758. Within this time period, the University has grown into an academic, research, and resource Center of Excellence in the Russian healthcare system. The University has given the world many distinguished scientists and significant discoveries and brought up thousands of physicians devoted to their work.
Today, Sechenov University is the internationally-recognized comprehensive academic research platform integrating the world’s advanced developments aimed at personalized life-long health management and overcoming global health challenges. The University`s research-focused environment supports collaboration between the students, faculty, and partners in creating new products and technologies.
Sechenov University offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses taught in English and Russian in all areas of medicine, biology, biotechnology, etc. Sechenov University concentrates global talent, knowledge, and technologies in Life Sciences and is one of the top Russian universities represented in the QS, THE, and U.S. News & World Report Best Global Rankings.
Sechenov University today:
— 19,000 students study at the university
— 3,500 international students
— 2,148 faculty members
— 226 educational programmes
— 15 research institutes of the Sechenov Biomedical Park
— 54.5 H-index Citations
— University Hospitals for 4,000 beds